Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hypothesis: A turbine powered by repulsing magnets will be able to generate a measurable amount of electricity.

-Like poles on two magnets will repulse each other.[1]=Kurtus&firstName[1]=Ron&yearPublished=2006&monthPublished=October&dayPublished=6&titleWork=Magnetism&url=

-The magnetic rings that we are using are made of Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron and have a pull force of 5.8 pounds each.[1]=Last&firstName[1]=Initials&yearPublished=&monthPublished=&dayPublished=&titleWork=&url=

-If one blade on a fan is pushed downwards with a slight angle, it will cause the whole fan to spin.

"Interview" with David Heck

-A spinning fan could be attached to a crank generator in order to generate electricity.

"Interview" with Mike Kelly

-A way the design could backfire is that the sides of the magnets that are not facing each other could still generate enough pull force together to inhibit or disable any spinning on the fan caused by repulsion.

"Interview" with Andy Cobb

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