Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Thomas Paine - The Crisis Part 1 - Summary

1. In paragraph one, Paine is saying that the colonists haven't lived up to their duty and potential as Americans and defended their country and way of life when threatened by Great Britain.

2. Paine states in paragraph two that the king of England has no right to claim that he has the mandate of heaven in his persecutions of Americans.

3. In the third paragraph, Thomas Paine says that while panics, which happen in every country, damage the spirit of the region for a short time; they grow the character of the people in the long run.

4. The fourth paragraph, Paine lets it be known that he predicts that the country will come together against the common enemy eventually, and that, while he would never condone an offensive war, would defend himself if "a thief breaks into my [his] house, burns and destroys my [his] property, and kills or threatens to kill me [him]," then he would defend himself with all his strength.

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